Happy Birthday Surprises

June 20, 2010
I was at work yesterday, when a white Enterprise van pulled up in front of the hotel.  A man with a large basked of flowers walks in and asks, "are you Monique Charles?"  I nearly hit the ceiling!  I couldn't believe someone sent me flowers.  Not something that happens to me. ^_^  It had some of my favorite things in it.  Butterflies and a Sunflower.  Don't know why I capitalized sunflower...guess it's just that important. After driving home in the heat, and sitting in my car for a while, the sunflower started wilting already.

Such a pleasant surprise from my friend Ronald.  Another pleasant plan (not a surprise) is that the two of us will be getting together to make an ice cream cheesecake.  I'm excited!  We'll probably start with butter pecan (since that's his favorite).  The original plan was to hang out on Monday, the 21st to make it, but some other things have come up and we won't be able to meet until later (if that).  So I will certainly upload some pics when we get to it, as this will be a new venture.  We will make the ice cream ourselves (something I've always wanted to do).

Tomorrow is my birthday (and it's also Father's Day).  While it should certainly be good times, I've been missing my kids terribly. Because it's Father's Day weekend, they're all spending it with...of course...their father.  And I'm doing everything I can to keep busy and not think too much on them not being here.  Last night, I saw a friend's band (Naked Jam Band).  Today, I went bowling (I bowled my first turkey ^_^), found a bug in my frozen spinach, cleaned the car out, washed some clothes, made some dvds for a co-worker, cleaned my parent's netbook, cleaned half the living room, and so much more.  Tomorrow, after church, I will be visiting my parents.  Yessir! My day was filled.  

 I will be taking a shower and hopping on World of Warcraft for a couple hours tonight, if anyone wants to join me.  I'll probably be switching between Ardentgailla (on Duskwood) and Oela (on Mug'thol).  Take care and have a good night!


What's behind door number 1???

March 16, 2010
A new house!!!!

Come on down!  I can't say how excited I am these days.  Well, I could...but that may be going a little over the top.  Kawaii Five-Oh! is packing up and moving out.  It's like being called on the Price is Right and getting the opportunity to see just how far you can go.  I can't wait to start cooking up in the new kitchen, experimenting even more with the increase in space.

After this Saturday, March 20th, Kawaii Five-Oh! will be located in Rockville, MD. I have had a wonderful ...
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One down...

February 3, 2010
Eleven more to go!

So we made it out of January alive.  What's in store for us now? Six more weeks of winter? Bring it on.  I have dubbed myself Drift Queen this month. Needless to say, I've been enjoying all the snow we've been getting.  If it's going to be cold, snow is a good reason for it to be so.

Gone are the days of Christmas carols and merry-making.  Behind us are the first days of fulfilling our new goals.  We are now moving into the days of amor.  *wink*  I've seen so many things for ...
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Winter Wonderland

December 12, 2009
It's really feeling like winter now.  After a warm autumn, I was really beginning to wonder about this winter.  Today, it started out in the 20's and hopefully it will rise to the 50's (okay, wishful thinking on my part).  I'm not too fond of the cold, but I am a huge fan of snow and ice and of the delicious flavors that this season brings about.

Gone are the days of fresh berries, now we are enjoying squash, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and nuts.  We are decorating our homes with evergreen garlan...
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The Changing of the Season

September 9, 2009
It is the lovely month of September.  Soon, autumn will start.  The kiddos are back in school.  Cheesecake is becoming a thing of the past....

Wait! What?!

You didn't hear that last part...and from Kawaii Five-Oh! you never will.  I don't know who determines what foods are okay in certain seasons...fresh fruits and veggies in the summer, thick hearty soups in the winter....  But cheesecake is something you should never have to compromise.  NEVER. 

  • At family cookouts, cheesecake is there. 
  • Durin...

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August 29, 2009
There's something sweet floating in the air.  It's old, it's lovely, it's bite-sized.  It's the marriage of "Grandma" and "Buddy."  They are celebrating their 50th anniversary.  It is truly amazingly exciting to find that people stay together.  Our world has the mentality that marriage isn't sacred.  People aren't waiting until marriage for intimacy, they are living together as a couple, and they feel "if it doesn't work out, we'll just get a divorce."  People don't realize the how serious ma...
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Something's A-bakin'...

March 30, 2009
It's 11:36pm and I'm baking cheesecakes.  Not just your regular Plain or  Cherry cheesecake.  I'm talking something new.  Something innovative....

Peanut Butter & Jelly!

Now, before you wrinkle your forehead and turn up your nose, you have to realize that I'm working for you...not against you.  I have been thinking up new and different flavors of cheesecake to try.  I've been thinking of PiƱa Colada, Coconut Lime, Milk and Honey, and even PB&J.  A friend of mine from school, has recently reque...
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About Me

Monique I really do enjoy experimenting with baking. I love to eat and will try just about anything. It really makes me happy when I can get someone who didn't already like cheesecake to give it a second chance. The experience is all the more worth while when they start to love it. I have 3 kids who enjoy when I make cheesecakes as well. They are my certified testers...well, I don't know how certified they are when they don't give me any criticism. I need to know if I'm doing anything wrong!

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