Showing Tag: "strawberry" (Show all posts)


Posted by Monique Charles on Sunday, February 6, 2011, In : Yummy! 
I forgot to mention last night that I didn't add any sugar to the pies.  My friend Luis is diabetic (and hypoglycemic) and you know how that goes.  He has to be very careful with what he eats and when he eats.  I used good old Splenda.  Now, I'm not at all a fan of artificial sweeteners.  They usually come with their own set of health risks, and they don't taste very good.  Splenda is by far the best tasting one I've come across. It tastes so much like sugar and there is no horrible aftertast...
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Fresh, Fruity, Lovely

Posted by Monique Charles on Sunday, February 6, 2011, In : Yummy! 
Happy February!  January seemed to have flown by so quickly.  Just yesterday we were giving New Year's kisses and making jokes about not seeing each other since "last year."  Now, we've consulted Mr. Phil (and he's declared an early spring) and we're preparing our hearts for love.

I've come up with something fresh just tonight. While preparing some pies for a Super Bowl party tomorrow afternoon, I decided to try something different with the run-of-the-mill strawberry cheesecake.  Since I first...
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About Me

Monique I really do enjoy experimenting with baking. I love to eat and will try just about anything. It really makes me happy when I can get someone who didn't already like cheesecake to give it a second chance. The experience is all the more worth while when they start to love it. I have 3 kids who enjoy when I make cheesecakes as well. They are my certified testers...well, I don't know how certified they are when they don't give me any criticism. I need to know if I'm doing anything wrong!

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